How to Grow Butterfly Pea Flowers from Seeds At Home

Thứ năm - 22/08/2024 03:18
Growing butterfly pea flowers from seeds is very simple because this plant is extremely easy to thrive. Let Veque guide you through tips for growing butterfly pea flowers from seeds to enjoy blooms year-round.
how to grow butterfly pea flowers


1. Why Grow Butterfly Pea Flowers from Seeds?

Butterfly pea flowers are climbing plants often grown for decorative purposes, making tea, preparing sticky rice, or making various cakes and jams. 

Typically, butterfly pea flowers are grown for garden decoration. The reason is that the plant has translucent green leaves and beautiful deep purple flowers. Moreover, butterfly pea flowers are hardy and especially enhance the beauty of a house with a fence.

Growing butterfly pea flowers from seeds is considered one of the simplest methods. This flower plant grows throughout all four seasons, with the flowers being more vibrant in summer. Additionally, the butterfly pea plant requires minimal care and still grows lush with wide coverage.

My Garden suggests planting butterfly pea flowers along the fence if your home is near a road. Since butterfly pea flowers are perennial, you only need to prune them from season to season without replanting. Furthermore, their wide coverage will help block dust from reaching your home.

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2. How to Grow Butterfly Pea Flowers from Seeds at Home

how to grow butterfly pea from seeds

There are two methods for growing butterfly pea flowers: from seeds or cuttings. The seed method is simpler and requires less care. Here’s how to grow butterfly pea flowers from seeds at home.

2.1. Seed Germination

In reality, you can either germinate seeds or plant them directly into the soil. However, germination has a higher success rate. Here’s how to germinate butterfly pea seeds:
  • Choose round, firm seeds without pests.

  • Soak the seeds in warm water (3 parts hot, 2 parts cold) for 8 hours.

  • Place the soaked seeds into a pot with prepared soil: sand, loamy soil, and decomposed cow manure, then cover lightly.

  • Water lightly every day.


2.2. Planting Butterfly Pea Flowers

After germinating the seeds, you will have young butterfly pea plants in about a week. Wait until the plant has 3 leaves before transplanting it.

Since butterfly pea plants prefer sunlight, both seed and cutting methods require a sunny spot. As suggested above, planting along a fence is ideal. The planting technique is as follows:

  • Dig a hole about 15 cm deep and 1 hand width wide.

  • Add a bit of decomposed cow manure, some rice husks if available, and mix with a thin layer of soil.

  • Place the germinated butterfly pea plant into the hole. Do not remove the root ball; instead, include the germination soil.

  • Cover the hole, firm the soil around the root, and mulch with some leaves and branches to protect from sunburn. Water in the morning and evening.


2.3. Tips for Year-Round Flowering

With the above planting method, the survival rate is nearly 100%. However, note that butterfly pea plants grow very slowly at first, so be patient and follow these care tips:
  • Build a mound of soil around the base to help the plant anchor better. The larger, looser, and more nutrient-rich the soil at the base, the healthier the plant. Fertilizing is beneficial but not essential; watering alone is sufficient.

  • As the plant begins to climb, provide a trellis or allow it to climb along a fence. Note that climbing poles will yield fewer flowers compared to a trellis.

  • Prune the lower branches to direct nutrients to the flowers and new shoots.

  • Water in the evening when the plant is mature; no extensive care is needed.

  • After a year, the plant will start to wither. At this point, prune everything back, leave the base, add fertilizer and water, and the plant will regrow without needing to reseed.

3. Harvesting, Storing, and Using Butterfly Pea Flowers

how to grow butterfly pea from seeds at home

The method for growing butterfly pea flowers from seeds is quite easy. In about 2 months, you can harvest the flowers as follows:

3.1. How to Brew Butterfly Pea Flower Tea

Harvest the flowers in the early morning (to retain nutrients and get a fresh start). Fresh flowers are best; use only 10 blossoms for 1.5 liters of water. You can either boil them or steep them like tea.

Butterfly pea tea can be sweetened with a bit of sugar and lemon slices (the color of the tea will turn purple or pink depending on the amount of lemon). You can also add a bit of milk or honey for a different flavor.

It’s best to drink butterfly pea tea on the same day. In northern regions, it can last a day in winter, but in summer, it should be consumed by noon due to its tendency to spoil. So, either brew a small batch each time or make a full pot and store it in the refrigerator for daily use.


3.2. How to Store Butterfly Pea Flowers

With the method of growing butterfly pea flowers from seeds, when the plant blooms, it will produce many flowers. At this point, you can harvest and dry the flowers.

However, note that the flowers can quickly mold when dried. I’ve found that they need 3-5 days of continuous sunshine to dry completely. The best method is to use a dehydrator; if not available, ensure sufficient sunshine for drying. Mold on flowers is very small and hard to see, but it’s detectable upon close inspection. Improper drying and storage can lead to the flowers becoming soggy and moldy even if they were initially dry.

Fully dried flowers should feel dry and brittle, and should crumble easily when crushed. When dried, vacuum-seal them for the best preservation. I’ve had to discard many butterfly pea flowers due to mold caused by incomplete drying.

A mature butterfly pea plant can produce 50-100 flowers a day. Typically, flowers bloom profusely for a week and then become sparse before blooming heavily again after ten days. Summer is the peak blooming season. Flowers bloom for a day and then wither by evening.

Some people let the flowers dry on the plant (even after pollination and fruit formation, the flowers may remain attached) before harvesting them for tea. While this saves time, the nutritional value is minimal. Rain and weather can wash away nutrients, leaving only the remnants of the flowers.


4. FAQ - Growing Butterfly Pea Flowers from Seeds


1. How long does it take for butterfly pea flowers to bloom from seeds?

If you choose to grow butterfly pea flowers from seeds, it takes about 2 months for the plant to develop and start blooming.

2. Does growing butterfly pea flowers require pruning?

Butterfly pea flowers grow very quickly, except for the initial stage. Prune the lower branches to encourage stronger growth above.

After a year, the plant will start to decline and look unattractive. At this point, cut it back severely, leaving only the base, so the plant can sprout new shoots without needing to reseed.


3. Can butterfly pea flowers be grown in pots?

You can grow butterfly pea flowers in pots or on terraces. Ensure the pot has good drainage and is relatively large.

The above is a guide on how to grow butterfly pea flowers from seeds at home. Remember, the plant grows very slowly in the early stages, so don’t be discouraged if progress seems slow initially.

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