How to plant onions that have sprouted in your pantry

Thứ sáu - 16/08/2024 04:40
How to plant onions that have sprouted? Do you plant the whole bulb in the ground? Let’s explore the method for growing sprouted onion bulbs with Veque!
how to plant onions that have sprouted in your pantry

Occasionally, you might find some onions sprouting in your pantry at home. At this point, you shouldn’t throw them away; instead, make use of them to grow onions at home.

Growing sprouted onions is quite easy. You don’t need to be an experienced gardener - just follow the simple steps that we will introduce right after this. Learn the details below.


1. Preparing to Plant Sprouted Onions

In how to plant sprouted onions at home, follow these steps:
  • Remove the thin, paper-like outer layer of the sprouted onion bulb. Use your fingernails to peel away the outer layer from the top of the bulb. Once peeled, discard this outer layer.

  • Use a knife to cut away the layers of onion from the sprout. The sprout will grow from the top of the onion bulb. Cut each layer of onion vertically without damaging the sprout. Continue similarly on the other side and carefully separate each layer of the onion.

  • If you don’t have a knife, you can peel each layer of onion by hand.

  • You can eat these onion layers if they are still firm and crispy, but remember to wash them before use. If the onion is soft and mushy, discard it immediately.

  • Separate the onion sprouts. You will see the sprouts developing in the center of the onion bulb. Some may have sprouted outside the bulb, while others have not. Gently separate each sprout to give them enough space to grow. With proper care, each sprout will develop into a new onion bulb.

  • Soak the onion sprouts in water until roots develop. You can soak the sprouts in one or more glasses of water. After a few days, white roots will start to appear at the base of each sprout.

  • If the white roots have grown, you can plant the onion sprouts into the soil immediately.

  • If the roots are brown and dry, they are dead. Wait until new white roots develop.

2. How to plant onions that have sprouted indoors

how to plant onions that have sprouted

Here are the steps for planting sprouted onions at home:
  •  Plant the onion sprouts about 2.5 cm deep in high-quality organic soil. Dig a hole for each sprout and fill it so that only the leaves are above the soil. Each hole should be at least 7.5 cm apart, or plant them in separate pots to give each sprout enough space to grow. You can add a thin layer of mulch on top of the soil to support the growth of the onions.

  • Whether growing indoors or outdoors, ensure that the onions receive enough sunlight.

  • If you live in a cold climate, start by planting the onion sprouts in pots and gradually move them outdoors. Onions need time to acclimate to the new environment.

  • In winter, keep the plants indoors to protect them from the cold.

  • The onion bulbs will develop in about 60-80 days.

  • Ensure regular watering every few days. Although onions are hardy, they need plenty of water to grow. Use a watering can or spray bottle to apply a small amount of water around the base of the onions. Be sure to check the soil to ensure proper drainage.

  • If using mulch, onions only need to be watered with 2.5 cm of water per week.

  • Check and remove weeds daily (if any). As the onions grow, weeds will inevitably appear around them. Wear gardening gloves and pull the weeds out by the roots to prevent them from growing back.

  • Spray a fungicide twice a week. The fungicide will prevent the development of harmful fungi and keep the onions healthy. Just a small amount of spray on each onion plant is sufficient.

  • If you prefer organic methods, you can use solutions such as hydrogen peroxide or copper sulfate as alternatives to chemical pesticides.


3. Harvesting Onions

how to plant onions that have sprouted indoors

With the method for growing sprouted onions above, remember to look for signs that the onions are ready for harvest. Onions will develop in 60 - 80 days. Watch for the following signs to know when to harvest:
  • The onion bulb is fully exposed above the soil.

  • The green sprouts are wilting and turning brown.

  • Flower stalks appear.

We hope that with how to plant onions that have sprouted above, you will successfully grow them at home. If you have any questions, feel free to message us or leave a comment below the post!

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