Carrots take a long time to germinate: typically 12-15 days if the weather is cool, like in early spring. So, don’t give up if you don’t see seedlings right away.
Carrots take time to harvest: 3-4 months. Although you can harvest carrots at any time, the best size is around the length of your middle finger.
Carrots don’t require much space. This means you can fit them into any available spot in your garden. A tip: carrots and tomatoes like to be near each other. Check out 8 companion plants for more ideas.
Carrots attract caterpillars because they eat the carrot tops. Since eating the tops doesn’t damage the carrot itself and can be beneficial to the garden, let nature take its course.
Planting Location: Choose a garden bed with good drainage in a spot with full or partial sun (at least 6 hours of sunlight per day).
Carrots thrive in deep, fertile, and loose soil. To prepare the soil, mix in compost and worm castings two weeks before sowing carrot seeds. Then, work the soil to ensure it is loose.
Since carrots prefer deep soil, you can also grow them in containers. Choose containers that are at least 25 cm deep if you want to grow them.
Spring: Start sowing around the spring equinox (mid-March). When you sow your first batch of carrot seeds in March, you’ll need to wait 3-4 months for the first harvest. Remember that carrots germinate slowly and grow in the cold spring soil. After sowing, cover the seeds with straw to keep the young plants warm (if the weather is cold). Continue sowing carrots every three weeks (one row at a time) to maintain a continuous harvest.
Summer: After harvesting your first batch of carrots, around the summer solstice (mid-June), mix some compost into the rows and sow additional seeds.
Winter: Harvest the remaining carrots around the winter solstice (mid-December), or leave some to continue harvesting until the spring equinox (mid-March), depending on your climate.
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